Evolove English Privacy Policy

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The administrator of the User's personal data is the Operator (Jelenia Góra, Goduszyńska 30A, e-mail:info@evolove.pl).

Purpose and legal basis for the processing of personal data by the Operator:

  1. processing is necessary for the conclusion and performance of the contract for the provision of the EVOLOVE service (legal basis: Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR),
  2. processing is necessary to establish, assert or defend claims (legal basis: Article 9 (2) (f) of the GDPR and the provisions of the Civil Code),
  3. processing is necessary to keep financial settlements, accounting books and tax documentation (legal basis: Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR in connection with joke. 74 sec. 2 of the Accounting Act of September 29, 1994).

As part of the application's operation, the operator may collect the following data from users:

  1. User name - which, depending on the User's choice, may consist of: name and surname or pseudonym,
  2. Telephone number - necessary for identification and to authenticate the account,
  3. E-mail address - in order to facilitate the operation of the account and contact with the User,
  4. Location - in the form of data read from GPS (longitude and latitude), full address with the name of the street and building number or the postal code itself with the name of the city and country,
  5. Identification data necessary to issue an invoice, including the tax identification number (NIP) - only in the case of entrepreneurs.

The above data is compulsorily collected from the User in order to enable the functioning of the application, which is based on art. 6 sec. 1 lit. b GDPR. Failure to provide them prevents the User from using the application.

In addition, the User may, although he is not obliged to do so, entrust the Operator with the above data for processing, such as:

  1. website address,
  2. profile description,
  3. graphic avatar,
  4. the content of articles, videos, courses published in the system, which may contain personal data.

Providing the above data is completely voluntary and the User may decide not to provide it. However, if he decides to entrust them to the Operator, the processing is carried out on the basis of art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a GDPR.

The operator may transfer personal data to the following entities:

  1. public authorities at their request and within the limits of the law,
  2. Law Firm,
  3. the Operator's employees and associates (only for use related to the performance of the contract),
  4. data centers,
  5. payment service providers.

Personal data will not be transferred to a third country or an international organization.

Users' personal data are stored for no longer than it is necessary to achieve the purpose of processing, i.e. until the consent is withdrawn if the processing is based on such consent, until the claims of the Operator and the other party in the implementation of concluded contracts are time-barred and until the inquiry is processed by e-mail or until the complaint is processed.

According to the GDPR, the data subject is entitled to:

  1. the right to access your data, the right to receive this information, the right to information on data processing, the right to receive a copy of the personal data subject to processing,
  2. the right to rectify your personal data that is incorrect and the right to request that incomplete personal data be supplemented, taking into account the purposes of processing,
  3. the right to request immediate deletion of data concerning him if: i). the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or ii). are otherwise processed or iii). personal data must be removed in order to comply with a legal obligation provided for in EU law or Polish law; this does not apply if the processing is necessary: ​​i). to fulfill a legal obligation that requires processing under EU or Polish law, ii). for archiving purposes in the public interest, for scientific or historical research purposes, for statistical purposes, iii). for the purposes of establishing, investigating or defending claims,
  4. the right to request the restriction of processing in the following cases: i). the accuracy of the personal data is contested by the data subject - for a period enabling the controller to verify the accuracy of the data; ii). the controller no longer needs personal data for the purposes of processing, but they are needed by the data subject to establish, assert or defend claims,
  5. the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body (Personal Data Protection Office) in the Member State of your place of residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, if the processing of personal data concerning it violates the GDPR.

The processing of personal data by the Operator is a condition for concluding a contract for the provision of the EVOLOVE service. Providing personal data by the data subject is voluntary, however, failure to provide data results in the refusal to conclude a contract.

Based on the collected personal data, the Operator will not make automated decisions, including decisions resulting from profiling.


All data stored by the Operator will be protected from the moment they appear in the EVOLOVE service, protected against external interference and against unauthorized internal access (i.e. against access by unauthorized employees of the Operator).

By using the EVOLOVE service, the User agrees to the storage and processing of technical data and their use by the Operator, including IP number, type and version of the operating system, type and brand of the device, which data is stored and processed in order to facilitate the implementation of EVOLOVE software updates, software improvement and the provision of the EVOLOVE service.


The user is prohibited from entering illegal data into the application running on the EVOLOVE service.

The User is obliged to inform the Operator of any changes to his contact details and legal status.

The Operator is entitled at any time to amend the Regulations, and the changes will enter into force on the day they are announced on the evolove.pl website, about which the Operator will inform the User by sending an e-mail to the address provided when registering the Account.

If the User does not consent to the changes made, the User has the right to terminate the contract within 14 days from the date of receiving the e-mail informing about the changes to the Regulations.

Any disputes between the User and the Operator related to the performance of the EVOLOVE service contract should be resolved without undue delay - through negotiations and consultations between the parties.

The applicable law is Polish law. Disputes arising between the User and the Operator related to the performance of the contract will be settled by the court competent for the seat of the Operator, with the proviso that in relation to Consumers, these disputes will be heard before the court competent according to the provisions of civil procedure.

The EVOLOVE software, including the documentation and all related materials, is protected by copyright law as well as other intellectual property laws and agreements.

These Regulations enter into force on June 24, 2022.