demo account Privacy Policy

You care about your privacy. Start sharing safely.
This IT Company, truly believes in the right to privacy of its users. This document will shed light on matters related to the privacy policy of the company, along with common practices that are pursued for the protection of the data and personally identifiable information provided to us.

Here in this policy document, we will discuss in detail that which exact information is collected, the reason for the collection of this information, what measures do we take to ensure the protection of this information, how and where this information is stored, and what exact purposes are served with this information.

Which Information Do We Collect?
Whenever a user or client interacts directly or indirectly with any of our Software, App, Site, or avails any of our services, we may collect some very fundamental information like user name, mailing ID, IP Address, etc. There is also some non-personal data that we collect and which cannot be linked back to you.

Apart from these very fundamentals, some other data like the location through IP address, your log data, usage information, your device information, and furthermore the data collected through cookies is also collected.

How Do We Use Your Information?
We only collect all this basic information purely for legitimate purposes and in absolute good faith. We collect, process, record, and store this data to appropriately execute the contract between our users and us. Some other common purposes for the collection of this information are as below

With an intent to communicate with regards to your use of our Software, App, Site or availing any of our services. This communication is made for several reasons, i.e., software or app updates, to acquire your feedback, to respond back to this feedback, for your account verification, to provide you with assistance and support in the event of any complications or queries, and for follow up correspondence as well.

This information also helps us manage our site and products/services in the best possible manner, making it more user friendly, ascertaining the true identity of our users for security purposes, processing certain transactions incurring out of purchases and paid services, in improving the algorithms and performance of our site, software, app, and services.

We use this information to send the users direct email notifications and special offers, if any, to send you the promotional and informational content about any new advancements in our services, apps, or software, although these notifications and emails can be unsubscribed at any time if any of the users aren’t interested in them, to connect with them immediately if the need is, in a case where the immediate interaction with the user of our services is inevitable.

To execute and process transactions swiftly
This information helps us improve our products and services, giving us more information about consumer preferences and priorities.
Do We Exchange Your Data for Any Commercial or Social Reasons?
NOT AT ALL. As mentioned earlier that is a professional IT Company, and it believes in absolute transparency. We respect the privacy of our clients and never tend to breach it no matter what; instead, we take all tight measures to ensure definite security and protection of the data we attain from our users. We never exchange or sell your personal information to any third parties at all, whatever the case may be.

Plug-ins and Third-Party Apps
While using any of our software, apps, site, or services, some third-party plug-ins and apps may try to interact and request for your information, but this request would be made straight to the user and not to us, nor do we allow any such indirect permission at all.

Therefore, in a case when you come across any such information requests, better analyze them well at your own, and only after a hundred percent satisfaction allow them for access, This would never grant this permission to them on your behalf even if we have your information already stored.
Device Permissions Policy
Some apps published by App Square requires sensitive permissions like Accessing Device Camera, Device Storage access etc. These Permissions are required for the right functionality of these apps. We don't exploit those permissions under any circumstances. By using our Application that needs sensitive permissions you comply with our device permission policy.

We have gone to great lengths to ensure that all information in our applications and the promoting materials relating to it, is correct. However, we cannot be held responsible for potential errors and misinformation that our applications may still contain, nor for any potential damages or losses arising from relying on or applying the information from our applications.

By using our applications, you consent to all of our privacy policies.

When, Why, and With Whom Your Info Might Be Shared?
At the very first instance, we never ever share, publicize, or reveal any of your information with any.